Note : Some presentations are unavailable or were witheld by the author. 

Day 1 (Thursday September 15th).


Speaker Presentation
Tom Sykes, 
 NBN Co 
NBN Co Fibre Access service. Technical Overview
Andrew Fort,
Pragmatic Network Management Systems
Vijay Gill,
Backbone design and evaluation in face of large machine to machine traffic flows
Edwin Groothuis, 
 Riverbed Technology
WAN Optimization - Changes more than just a box
Lincoln Dale,
40GE & 100GE - The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from
Robert Raszuk,
Route Servers for Internet Exchange points
Joe Abley,
Signing the root
Cecil Goldstein,
 Team Cymru
The Underground Economy


Day 2 (Thursday September 16th).


Speaker Presentation
Roland Dobbins,
 Arbor Networks
Obviating the Tragedy of the Commoms: Operational Security Implications of a National Broadband Network
Peter Wills, 
Snapshot of NBN Co's Operational Support Systems
Marty Gauvin,
 Tier 5
Everything's changed! In Data Centre design
Frank Salanitri,
Addressing Prefix Reachability Issues
Joel Hatton,
Denial of Service Attacks
Laurie Wilson,
Telehealth and the promise of advanced networks
Robert Raszuk,
Distribution of multiple BGP paths vs optimal network architecture
Chris Pollock,
 PIPE Networks
 Making Ethernet better ? MEF in practice.